Kaltura hanze

  • Benefits of using Kaltura Capture
  • Maken en bewerken

  • Our multimedia application, Kaltura, also provides the option to record a knowledge clip. You can use the application called "Kaltura Capture" to record your screen and cam. The recording .
  • kaltura hanze
  • Kantura kimdir

  • For technical questions about Kaltura: multimedia@ For questions about Online Education: blendedlearning@ For ICT Support: Hanze Library .
  • Kantura
  • Maken en bewerken Refine Meeting Room.
    Knowledge Center Refine Meeting Room.
    Kaltura Capture The Kaltura Capture program is a widget that you can install on your computer.
    Kaltura Knowledge Center .


  • Search for tag: "kaltura " 0 Media; Your search for "" did not match any media. Make sure you spelled the word correctly ; Try a different search term; Kaltura FAQ. Voor vragen, neem .
  • Kaltura media hanze
  • Training and Learning
    1. Kaltura Capture | Collect & Document | Digital Competence Centre | University of Groningen Onze multimedia applicatie Kaltura biedt ook de mogelijkheid om een kennisclip op te nemen. Daarvoor kun je gebruik maken van de applicatie Personal Capture. Hiermee kun je een .
      Help | Kaltura Knowledge Center To create a successful knowledge clip (or series of knowledge clips), it is essential to have a clear objective. Choose a topic, concept, or procedure that you want to explain in your knowledge .
      How can we help? Get great tips on how to use video better! Never miss a thing! Subscribe to our customer newsletter and our release notes updates, so you always get the best out of Kaltura. .
      Knowledge clip as a learning activity This article describes how to use the Kaltura Video Editing Tools Help Tab and is intended for KMS/KAF users that want to edit quizzes, or edit, clip or trim media. Help – Accessibility.

    Kaltura media hanze

  • Kaltura Capture allows you to choose what you want to record (data minimization: audio, video, and screen are independent.). Learn what to do, how to instal it and how to use .
  • Maken en bewerken
  • Droogoefenen als voorbereiding
  • Hanze Library Guides: Kennisclips maken: Maken en bewerken